Bird Cages Now Parrot Care Blog
Harlequin Macaw Species Guide: Care, Cage Setups & Easy Tricks To Teach Harlequins
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If you are thinking of adopting a bird, the harlequin macaw is a great choice. As well as being recognized for their beautiful plumage, they are known for being laid back and affectionate. The stereotypical parrot-like color patterns make them hard to differentiate from other macaw species but once you get to know one, you’ll see that they are incredibly unique. Species Overview The word harlequin literally means clown which is quite fitting for this cheeky and cheerful species. Their scientific name is the ara ararauna × ara chloroptera as they are a mix of the blue and gold macaw and...
How To Choose A Bird Cage: Buying Guide For The Right Bar Spacing, Size & Style For Your Pet Birds
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If you are a new bird owner or have never researched parrot cages before, the process of selecting the right cage for your bird can be a true challenge. Common questions we get all the time: How big should the cage be for my parrot? What if I have multiple birds? Stainless steel or powder-coated? Does the brand name really matter? Because of this uncertainty we created this guide to aid you in the process of choosing the perfect cage. Disclaimer: While we would LOVE this process to be black and white, the truth is each bird’s lifestyle and living...
Raising Meyer's Parrots As A Pet: Care Guide, Lifespan & Costs To Consider
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When people think about parrots they think about bright colors and beautiful plumage. The Meyer’s parrot, sometimes referred to as the brown parrot, might not be bursting with colors, but they are certainly brimming with personality. Actually... These sweet birds make great pets, so if you are thinking of adopting a parrot, the Meyer’s parrot is definitely worth your consideration. Meyer’s Parrot Overview The Meyer’s parrot, or known by its scientific name as Poicephalus meyeri, is native to sub-Saharan Africa where it can be found in woodland and savannah areas. They are still common in the wild but their numbers...
Do Budgies Grieve For The Loss Of A Companion? Top Warning Signs Plus How To Help
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Because of their behavior after the loss of a companion, a lot of people ask can budgies be sad if their friend dies? The short answer is yes. Just like humans and a range of other animals, budgies do grieve the loss of their partner or companion. If one of your beloved pets has passed on, you’ll be desperate to know how to help a grieving budgie. Here is all you need to know about grieving budgies and what you can do to help them through the process. Why Do Budgies Grieve? Genetically speaking, mourning is a part of what...
The Quietest Pet Birds Great For Apartment Living - How To Choose A Calm Parrot
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Searching for a pet bird can be a difficult task, especially since there are so many species to choose from. Searching for quiet pet birds can be even more difficult... But there are some factors that can help you pick up a potentially perfect pet bird. For most people living in apartment buildings, one of the most important choices is picking a bird that won’t make a lot of noise. Keep in mind that even though quiet pet birds are actually less noisy, you should be aware that no healthy bird is completely silent. Why Choose a Quiet Bird? When...